Scala “The all-round programing language”



Scala means a scalable language. It gain its strength from its users that means it grows with the level of its users. It is basically an object oriented language using functions as its objects to work. Scala is based on java and is mostly used for web development services. Scala uses various frameworks for its smooth functioning. These framework for Scala web development are though limited in numbers but provide an excellent environment for web programming. With their easy to use and highly interactive features they have it much easy to develop web applications. So here we go with some trendy framework for Scala web development.

Play Frame work

Play is one of the famous and most widely used framework for Scala web development. Some of the Key Features that play provides are:

  • Uses Lightweight, stateless and web friendly architecture which gives a high end working environment.
  • High security features with regularly fixed and updated vulnerabilities and anomalies.
  • Best for purpose of minimum resource consumption i.e. uses less CPU cycles, memory space and less no. of execution threads.

It is developer friendly framework. Play focuses on integrating all the components required for modern day web development. The team working behind play seems to be very much focused on the design issues. It is smooth and highly interactive platform for users to work on.

LinkedIn, KLout, GILT are some of the big names who have used Play web framework for their web applications.

Lift Frame work

Another famous framework for Scala web development. It is termed as the most secure web framework using Scala as its base. It offers a wide range of features which are quite encouraging for its users. Those are:

  • Security: Vulnerabilities are regularly updated and taken care off.
  • Designer friendly: Latest design elements.
  • Developer centric: Grows with the developer as basic feature of SCALA.
  • Scalable: Can work on higher scale and handle good payload.
  • Modular: Divided in various modules so easy to handle.
  • Instructiveness: Gives AJAX’s support and provide security.


Scalatra is based on Sinatra. It provides various API’s for higher accessibilities and easy to use interface. Provides Scalability and security constraints for good overall performance. Gives developer a good environment and integration supports. Many of the big names have used Scalatra for their application development. These big names include the likes of BBC, The Guardian, Chrono Track and Box. Com.


The last in our list is Spray. This web framework give some salient features in terms of lightweight environment, security and user friendly environment. They give a highly accessible environment for the developer to play with.

Well these are not all frameworks which are dependent on Scala but are the most popular of them. Scala being an object oriented language and using Java to its support have made the life of developers much easier with its highly interactive frameworks. So this was all in this article for framework for Scala web development. Hope you find it useful.

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